
We interact with information technology which aims to adapt to our needs and guide our decision-making at work and life. However, this adaptation is usually a black box, and little is known about the underlying effects on humans.  Following an Open Science approach, we aim at understanding and designing hybrid adaptive systems (as a combination of social and technological elements). We study how individuals, teams, and organizations interact with adaptive IT systems in the areas of work and life. In particular, we focus on working from home and virtual collaboration in daily life.

The research in the Future Field III project is organized in two major blocks:

  1. The research in the Future Field III project is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of principle investigators (PIs) from management, economics, psychology, ergonomics, sports science, computer science, and information systems. It involves PIs from 8 different KIT research institutes: AIFB, CIN, ECON, IBU, ifab, IfSS, TM, and WIN. .Our research covers principal investigator (PI) projects and an interdisciplinary study

  2. We follow a unique Open Science approach for researching hybrid adaptive systems and aim establishing an Open Science Portal focusing on human subject research.

KIT Future Fields are part of the university of excellence measure and specifically supports scientists at KIT  who are pursuing highly innovative, high-risk projects at the frontiers of science and at the interface between disciplines which are expected to give rise to scientific breakthroughs. KIT Future Fields will expand flexibility in science and help to improve the boundary conditions for conducting major coordinated research projects. 

The interdisciplinary Future Field III "Hybrid Adaptive Systems" project runs from October 2023 to September 2025 and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.



Speaker Series: Prof. Dr. Subhasish Modak Chowdhury
Speaker Series: Prof. Dr. Subhasish Modak Chowdhury

As part of the "Decision & Design" speaker series organized by Future Field III, Prof. Dr. Subhasish Modak Chowdhury from University of Sheffield (UK) will give a presentation on his recent research on March 18th at 11.30 AM. The lecture takes place at KD2Lab and is open to the public, we look forward to your participation! Further information is available at the following link: https://haps.kd2lab.kit.edu/64_128.php

Visit and Talk on ”Biosignal-Adaptive Systems for Remote Meetings” at the UCL Interaction Centre in London
Visit and Talk on ”Biosignal-Adaptive Systems for Remote Meetings” at the UCL Interaction Centre in London

Prof. Maedche gave a talk on February 18th, 2025 at the  University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC) on Biosignal-Adaptive Systems with a particular focus on supporting remote meetings.    Remote meetings as a modern way of work are widespread due to distributed team setups.  While there are various benefits in terms of time savings, reduced travel costs and emissions, there are also negative outcomes such as a lack of engagement or increased fatigue. Biosignal-adaptive systems that dynamically adapt to users represent a promising solution to improve remote meetings.  As part of this talk, Prof. Maedche presented selected results from research about this exciting topic carried out within the DFG-funded graduate school KD2School and the KIT Future Field III project on Hybrid Adaptive Systems.

Research Exchange with Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab from the University of Tokyo
Research Exchange with Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab from the University of Tokyo

This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming the team from the Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab (Prof. Taro KANNO, Yingting CHEN) of the University of Tokyo back to KIT—nearly half a year after their last visit. During their stay, we held several meetings to discuss ongoing research projects and explore new collaboration opportunities. In addition to these discussions, we conducted design workshops on the future of team work and AI as part of our collaborative study, further strengthening our exchange in the fields of human-centered and adaptive systems. Stay tuned for the results!

 “Now it gets personal” – Interview with Prof. Mädche in the magazine of the Health Knowledge Foundation
“Now it gets personal” – Interview with Prof. Mädche in the magazine of the Health Knowledge Foundation

The aim of the Health Knowledge Foundation is to encourage people to become co-creators of their health. To this end, the foundation provides information on health topics. In an interview, Prof. Mädche provides insights on current research at the human-centered systems lab on personalization and adaptive systems. He emphasizes the importance of personalization in the context of health information that is delivered through information systems. The interview is available in the current brochure “kompetent”

Open-to-the-Public Event on December 2: KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks
Open-to-the-Public Event on December 2: KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks

The KD2School Adaptive Systems Talks are an open-to-the-public Christmas event hosted by the KD2School. This year’s topic is:

Biosignals to Bytes – Human Cognition Meets AI Evolution

Featuring talks from Prof. Kopp (University of Bielefeld), Prof. Wilson (University of Nottingham), and Dr. Debus (KIT), a panel discussion, poster slam, and interactive demonstrations.

Openness and transparency in economics and management
Openness and transparency in economics and management

On July 17, the Dialog Day took place at KIT. It was dedicated to the topic of “Openness and transparency in economics and management” and offered a varied program with numerous opportunities for exchange. Among other things, the participants were able to gain exciting insights into current research projects of our scientific staff. As part of the Young Researcher Talks, Michelle Hörrmann presented the new “Open Science for Human Subjects Research” portal, which will in the future include an Open Science Onboarding Course for researchers at KIT.

 New Publication in PNAS: Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs
New Publication in PNAS: Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), , a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), has published a new article titled “Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs” co-authored by Petra Nieken. The study follows a rigor and innovative open science paradigm: Independent research teams were invited to contribute experimental designs to a crowd-sourced project. In a large-scale online data collection, 18,123 experimental participants were randomly allocated to 45 randomly selected experimental designs out of 95 submitted designs.
