PI Projects

PI Project Investigator(s)

Designing Gaze-Adaptive Visualizations of Mutual Gaze for Video Meetings

Petra Nieken, Alexander Mädche

Beyond Words: Non-Verbal Cues in Virtual Collaborations

Petra Nieken

​The Impact of Multitasking in Video Meetings on Cognitive Load, Flow, and Meeting Outcomes: A NeuroIS Study

Alexander Mädche

Shared Mental Models in Virtual Teams (Adapting the WOOP method for teams)

Christof Weinhardt

Adaptive movement breaks for group cohesion and productivity

Alexander Woll, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer

​Privacy Risk Awareness in the Context of Adaptive IT Systems

Melanie Volkamer

​​Communicating Risk with IT-based Systems

Benjamin Scheibehenne

Adaptive Unterstützungs- und Lernsystem in der technischen Berufsausbildung

Barbara Deml

Entspannung bei Videomeetings

Michael Beigl

Komplementarität vs. Substitution von Skills und Technology

Ingrid Ott